Embedded Marketing Operations Purpose-Built to Support Today’s Fastest Growing Brands

Get the power, flexibility, and skill you need to build omnichannel marketing strategies at scale.

Catalyst’s shared marketing operations backbone is at the core of our integrated solution. Based on the Agile project management methodology, our MOPs framework helps growing brands build, implement, and measure omnichannel marketing at scale. We allow clients to access the latest trends without the expense of an onsite marketing operations team.

Our Marketing Operations Expertise

  • Strategic Application
  • Campaign Management
  • Project Management
  • Resource Planning
  • Go-to-Market Planning
  • Planning & Management
  • Workflow Development
  • Budget Management
  • Data Management Strategy
  • Campaign Reporting
  • Process Optimization
  • Vendor Management

An Approach to Marketing Operations Purpose-Built for Growing Organizations

Today’s fastest growing brands face a common challenge. They want to take advantage of the latest marketing trends but tend to fall short of the logistical resources needed to deliver them at scale – a difference, sometimes referred to as “the marketing gap”. Without a dedicated ops team, they often get mired in the technical scope and complexity of omnichannel storytelling.

Catalyst’s partnered agency solution offers an embedded MOPs framework that allows emerging organizations like startups as well as sales-based orgs and nonprofits (who want to maintain a similarly reduced marketing footprint) leverage our capabilities as a bridge, empowering them to stay agile while leveraging today’s complex omnichannel strategies.

Working with Clients to Deliver Marketing Operations Capabilities


Form a Strategy

We’ll work together to define a collaborative strategy that fits your SOPs and allows us to iterate on your deliverables in real time.


Embed with Team

An integrated project manager will embed directly with your team, becoming the main point of contact for all marketing related tasks.


Manage Progress

An integrated project manager will embed directly with your team, becoming the main point of contact for all marketing related tasks.


Report on Results

Our team will report back on the progress and impact of work, iterating under the collaborative framework until meeting your goals.

Marketing Operations Case Studies

Building Deep Inclusion through Awareness

As one of the state's largest nonprofits, Special Olympics Washington had a lot to say, but needed to keep a manageable internal communications footprint.

See Full Case Study

Reimagining a Legacy Brand in the Wine Space

As competition in the direct-to-consumer space evolved, Wine of the Month Club needed to upgrade its buying experience for younger tech-savvy consumers.

See Full Case Study

Closing the Skills Gap with Smart Learning

Artificial intelligence has sparked a fourth industrial revolution, but also created a massive skills gap. SkillUp Online is closing it with responsive online learning.

See Full Case Study

Martech FAQs

Do you offer Marketing Operations Consulting?

We do not offer standalone marketing operations support. For marketing operations to be successful, a project manager (or similar) needs to be deeply embedded with your services teams. In small organizations, this is usually a C- or D-Suite marketing leader. In larger organizations it tends to be a channel-based marketing manager tasked with managing operational tasks unique to their objective on an independent basis. We do, occasionally, offer MOPs consulting around for existing clients on highly defined and existing operational painpoints.

Do I need an existing marketing operations manager to work with you?

No, your project manager will perform that function. However, we do need a marketing leader authorized to make various marketing related decisions, provide feedback on our work, and generally collaborate with. This person’s main task will be to work from the inside to help unblock various tasks and provide supporting information.

Do you provide access to collaboration and project management platforms?

We employ a stack of SaaS-based project management tools. Since data pertaining to the project ultimately belongs to you, however, we typically embed directly into our collaborative ecosystem, rather than the other way around. Our goal is to create as little disruption to your existing operations as possible. Let us know if you’d like recommendations on specific MOPs tools and we’d be happy to refer you to some of our favorites.

What is Marketing Operations?

Marketing operations is the creation, management, and reporting of organizational tasks needed to implement a marketing strategy. It includes all of the logistics marketers use to turn marketing strategy into a working campaign and is, despite being relatively unheard of, as important to success in today’s marketing ecosystem as strategic, creative, and technical resources.

How do I know if I need marketing operations support?

Every campaign requires some type of operational support and you may be delivering on this whether you know it or not. For single channel campaigns, MOPs tasks can be relatively lightweight. For more complex omnichannel brand experiences, they can be a good deal more complex, requiring deep collaboration between multiple teams from the ideation and planning stages to implementation.

How is marketing operations used to support your clients?

MOPs support is built into Catalyst’s core framework as an Agile project management methodology.It’s what differentiates us from other types of marketing agency solutions. Because of that, your day-to-day point of contact isn’t a relationship manager (though they often perform that function as well), but a project manager specialization in integrated marketing operations and guiding your deliverables from start to finish.

Other Capabilities

  • Strategy

    Over two decades of omnichannel marketing strategy and experience for growth-focused organizations.

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  • Creative

    An award-winning creative team with a proven history of brand storytelling and the expertise to bring your ideas to life

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  • Operations

    Operations/project management teams purpose-built to help align sales and marketing teams at scale

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  • Technical

    Reach your audience online with integrated digital marketing support from websites to online advertising.

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  • Strategy

    Over two decades of omnichannel marketing strategy and experience for growth-focused organizations.

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  • Creative

    An award-winning creative team with a proven history of brand storytelling and the expertise to bring your ideas to life

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  • Operations

    Operations/project management teams purpose-built to help align sales and marketing teams at scale

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  • Technical

    Reach your audience online with integrated digital marketing support from websites to online advertising.

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