Gain access to a full-stack marketing team for less than the cost of a single new hire with Managed Services

“Catalyst’s project management support is second to none, and their diverse capabilities really amplify the size of our internal marketing team without a huge commitment.”

Diana Eberlein VP of Marketing, Sorse Technology

Are Managed Services from Catalyst right for you? Let’s find out.

Tactical partnerships are designed help you reach a specific goal. When it comes to the day-to-day communication though, you need to ensure you’re in the customer’s peripheral. Managed services from Catalyst offer an operational marketing resource that helps you stay engaged without getting distracted.

You need breadth as much as depth with a team that can manage a variety of marketing tasks

You’re looking to keep your internal marketing footprint manageable without losing any expertise

You want a marketing partner who will go beyond services providing ongoing strategic support

You have a marketing leader or executive who can provide direction and feedback quickly

Managed Services Solution

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Design Resources
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Video & Editing Resources
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Content Development
  • Website Maintenance
  • Account Based Marketing
  • Online Advertising
  • Public Relations
  • Data & Analytics

Integrated Marketing Support Services Delivered at Scale

Today’s omnichannel marketing ecosystem demands near real-time communications, engagement, and responsiveness. For organizations who want to maintain a limited marketing footprint, keeping pace is a challenge. From team burnout to organizational bloat, growing brands have a list of operational pitfalls to avoid as they scale.

Catalyst’s managed services solution helps organizational leaders leverage today’s most popular marketing strategies while staying lean and focused on scale. From content creation to email marketing support, we enable growing brands to connect with buyers over all the platforms, channels, and devices they need for about the same yearly cost as a new employee.

Collaboration Catalyst’s Managed Services Solution



You’ll meet with an integrated marketing strategist to determine if managed services are a good fit for your growth strategy.



We’ll define a collaborative workflow determining the best method for us to sync up and down on your latest messaging points.



Our team will manage end-to-end engagement including direct customer messaging and reach out with questions as needed.



At predetermined checkpoints we’ll meet to discuss the results of our work as well as possible improvements and roadblocks.

Managed Services Case Studies

Building Deep Inclusion through Awareness

As one of the state’s largest nonprofits, Special Olympics Washington had a lot to say, but needed to keep a manageable internal communications footprint.

See Full Case Study

Reimagining a Legacy Brand in the Wine Space

As competition in the direct-to-consumer space evolved, Wine of the Month Club needed to upgrade its buying experience for younger tech-savvy consumers.

See Full Case Study

Closing the Skills Gap with Smart Learning

Artificial intelligence has sparked a fourth industrial revolution, but also created a massive skills gap. SkillUp Online is closing it with responsive online learning.

See Full Case Study

Managed Services FAQs

What are Managed Services?

The term “managed services” is a way of describing ongoing third-party management of a particular aspect of your business infrastructure - in this case, marketing and communications. In a managed services relationship, you deputize a partner - such as an agency - to make decisions on behalf of your brand on an ongoing basis based on a previously agreed strategy.

What do managed services include?

Managed services include any aspect of your marketing and communications strategy that needs to be carried out on a recurring basis. This may range from communications services like social media or email marketing to support capabilities like creative, technical support for your team. It generally does not include time-constrained projects like website design and dev, go to market, et al.

How does marketing-based managed services work?

Managed services are a perfect solution for growing brands who are trying to handle the deluge of near real-time communications that define today’s marketing ecosystem. While the outside management of these aspects of your brand seems counter-intuitive to some, many brands work with integrated/embedded partners who function more like an extension of their team than an outside expert and have the operational infrastructure to support these channels at scale.

What happens if I want to bring this in-house or hire another contractor?

Managed services are negotiated on a twelve month contractual basis - a requirement for internal resource planning. You may increase, and in some cases, shift the type and volume of services during this time, but not cancel outright. Once the length of the contract terms are met, you are free to explore alternative solutions. We only ask that you provide at least 60 days notice of your intention.

Is this a subscription service? Where can I see pricing?

While managed services are billed on a recurring basis, we don’t think of them as a “subscription” service, in the same vein as, for example, a SaaS platform. That’s because each organization is different and so are their marketing needs. Subscription services are typically packaged based on groupings of static features. Since the type, volume, and scope of services we provide are customized to each client, so is their pricing structure.

How do you embed with clients/ Who manages the services?

The success of our managed services solution is due, in large part, to our marketing operations backbone. We embed with and adapt to our client’s existing organizational structure using collaborative tools to become a part of their everyday workflow, rather than taking the role of an outside contractor. A specialist will work directly with your team, overseen on our side by a project manager and strategist who will be responsible for aligning strategy and other SOPs for your project.

How do I know your work aligns with our vision?

From the start, we’ll work to build a strategy based on your brand’s voice and strategy that falls in line with current communications trends. You can have as much or little day to day involvement as you want, but we do have processes for overseeing all creatives on an as needed basis and over a decade of experience to back it up. Much of our process will be defined in our initial proposal and based on your organization’s specific needs.

Do you provide access to collaboration and project management platforms?

Only in very limited cases. We use a variety of collaborative and project management tools to manage internal tasks but, since our objective is to integrate with your team’s day-to-day workflow, all communications happen within your collaborative software. If you don’t currently use any collaborative software or tools, we’re happy to provide referrals for products that we’ve had great experiences with.

Our Partnership Models

  • Managed

    Plug into an integrated marketing team who works with you daily to drive your most important marketing objectives.

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  • Tactical Partnership

    Spin up the resources you need to act on new opportunities and pain points more quickly with a project-based team.

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  • Consulting

    Gain access to over two decades of expertise in integrated marketing strategies from team development to oversight.

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  • Long-Term

    Build an on-demand agency relationship to support and help round out internal marketing resources with added expertise.

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